Since joining the Information Lab, three or four months after discovering Tableau, the world of Cairo, Tufte and Few, everything seems to have accelerated and I'm seeing, understanding and developing more and more new things every single day.
So the purpose of this blog is to attempt to post my thoughts on visualisations, books I've read, new and noteworthy articles, as well as the journey in creating some of the data hobbyism projects I undertake.
Currently, I have a bunch of blogs posted on the Data School website, one (so far!) on the Information Lab site & a completely separate football (kind of) meets data blog with a focus on the team I've grown up supporting, Ipswich Town.
I'm hoping that this blog serves as almost a data playground for me, allowing me to have a voice & mark my journey as I am exposed to and learn more about data! Plus, it allows me to use Blogger, as I think I can actually embed dashboards on here.
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