Here's some notes on my take on this weeks data.
Data can be complicatedly simple.
When approaching a dataset, I always find myself zipping around to try and find out what's interesting to me. In a project such as Makeover Monday, this is as important as creating something insightful, or beautiful, or interesting. As ever, understanding the data and what's what played a big part in the first moments of playing around with this dataset.
Highlighted in blue are the original fields in the dataset. The rest are bits I've calculated. As you may note, after creating one calculation (Weighted Total Attendance), I got lazy and duplicated, then renamed the fields in this dataset.
But - at a row level, the data is each team, each season with seven data points.
Tableau Shuffle.
Maybe one to revisit another time.
So I reverted back to one of my favourite dashboard types - the one chart dashboard. Colour, ordering and visual cues were to be my ally here.
Here's what I ended up with.
Here's what I ended up with.
Here are some notes on what we see.
- The colour scheme was a random choice - I picked a colour I liked then fiddled with the colour wheel (I used this until I had a few which I liked. The font is Tableau which works fine.
- Sorting in this case is the average total attendance (both home and away) for the each team, highest to lowest. I used the subtitle to indicate the colour legend in this case, highlighting the red as the 2017-18 value.
- Given I'm a fan of context, the natural next question if you only have the most recent data is, 'how does this compare to previous seasons?' - so they're also visible, but in a less light format.
- The other piece of information I've added is the average of averages - showing the average attendance for all attendances in the data set for each team.
But, it only allows you align each one way. So if I wanted the top to align to the right of the mark, and the bottom to align to the left - I can't do that. Well, not easily.
I had two options.. I could add in reference lines and make them invisible (this is a trick I've used previously to give breathing room), or in this case I simply used a dual axis.
So each axis is identical, but the top mark section (the collapsed one) shows the maximum value, and is aligned Middle Right, whilst this one which you can see above, the bottom mark section shows the minimum value, aligned Middle Left.
The reason for this is so that I don't have to have a visible axis - so at a glance, the user can quickly see the diverging axis range.
Is this the best way? It depends. View the full viz here:
Would love to hear any thoughts & feedback! Drop a comment or tweet me, @Scribblr_42.
Thanks for reading!
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